KAP Timeline

Step-by-step procedure to help guide you from the initial consultation through integration sessions

Consultation with potential KAP client

  • Review contraindications. Client may have physiological or psychological contraindications which may indicate this client may not be a good candidate for KAP. Referral to a physician or psychiatrist may assist in determining if client should proceed with KAP.

  • Ketamine therapy uses a safe anesthetic that was found to promote neuroplasticity or an increase in the brain’s ability to change. Stress can strain the brain's adaptability, but ketamine therapy reactivates stuck brain areas, and restores healthy neural connections, promoting better mood regulation and often provides a more rapid relief from depression which research has shown to frequently be more effective than many antidepressants. However, it's essential not to rely solely on the medication. Changing habits and working with a therapist can help break through mental blocks and improve mood. Sessions typically range from 4-6, with boosters as needed. Ketamine's effects can include visuals and a sense of detachment, allowing for easier processing of emotions. The effects of the medicine last about 1 hour and offers a more predictable experience than other psychedelics. Lasting longterm change depends on consistently engaging in positive habits to strengthen new brain pathways and create new patterns for growth.

    • Explain fees for each session, medical assessment, guided and self guided dosing fees & integration sessions.

    • Schedule first therapy session

  • Send client your typical intake paperwork along with an Informed Consent for KAP (See example in Materials Library)

  • PHQ-9 and GAD-7 are often recommended as an initial assessment tool in which to monitor treatment outcomes

First Therapy Session - Intake

    • What therapy have you tried in the past? How has it helped/not helped?

    • Why are you seeking ketamine therapy?

    • What is a negative core belief that gets in the way of engaging in life the way you would like?

    • When is the most recent time you felt this way? Do you feel this was influenced by any past experiences?

    • What are some of the most upsetting memories you wish you could heal?

    • What are some of the moments where you felt most connected to who you would like to be?

    • Are there any parts of you that are worried about participating in KAP? If so, how can we help that part feel more at ease?

    • What are your hopes for KAP?

    • How will you know it is working?

  • It is important to verbally review KAP Informed Consent with client to ensure there is an understanding of the process.

  • Inquire if anything about client’s identity would be helpful during your work together (race, gender, disability,neurodiversity, sexual orientation, etc.)

    Explore if there is anything you both can do to create a more comfortable and safe environment.

  • Determine treatment plan and number of prep sessions needed before dosing. Some clients may need more time to establish rapport, somatic work, create outside support system, etc.

Preparatory Therapy Sessions

  • Discuss the science of ketamine

    Discuss what the ketamine experience may feel like

    Explore client’s questions

  • ROI is needed to refer client to ketamine prescriber for medical clearance and for you to be able to communicate any issues concerning the ongoing dosing sessions

  • Once ROI is received from client, refer out to prescriber for clearance and ketamine prescription or have client contact provider directly and have them send you an ROI for collaborative care

  • Review KAP Items Checklist

    Review KAP protocol for upcoming dosing session

    • Listening to music during the dosing can have a significant impact on the client’s journey. It can reduce stress, interrupt rumination of thoughts, move the client through different emotions, and create a sense of connection to their body.

    • Each client will have a different preference for type of music but playlists without lyrics are encouraged to prevent direct influence on thought process.

    • Remember to avoid commercial interruptions by using a premium music platform. If a client does not want to listen to music that is also allowed in order to provide them a sense of safety and comfort for their experience. However, it has been reported most clients find benefits to listening to a playlist they enjoy.

    • Sometimes, the client may want to change the playlist midjourney so ensure there is a backup list selected as well.

    • An intention is what the client hopes to learn, experience, understand, or resolve from a psychedelic trip. A guidepost not a goal, but a desire to be open to exploration.

    • Psychedelics are non-specific amplifiers so it may bring forth what the client needs and may steer them in the direction of what you need to address

    • To learn more about how you can help your client identify their intention, click here.

    • Have client open packaged to ensure proper dosage and boosters and anti-nausea medication (if prescribed) were received

    • Designate if it will be In person or telehealth

      • Typically you will need to schedule 2 Β½ -3 hours for the first dosing session. This duration could change for future dosing sessions depending on how you proceed with in person or self-guided

Day Before Dosing Session

    • Consider emailing Chaperone welcome email directly

First Dosing Session

Integration Sessions

    • Intention could be the same or new as the insights emerge

    • Determine if it will be in person or telehealth and therapist or self guided with brief check-in prior to dosing

    • Integration session can be the same day or within 48 hours following dosing session

    • Send Chaperone links to website and ROI if a different Chaperone will be used