Integration Session

Guidelines for helping the client integrate the insights gained post ketamine
dosing session

Integration Session

The therapist’s role during integration is to follow the direction of the client. It is not recommended to provide interpretation or offer meaning of the client’s experience during the ketamine session. It is important to mainly hold space for the client as they share their experience and make sense of their own unique journey.

The start of the integration session should be open ended, giving the client the opportunity to share what is the most present for them. Let whatever content they offer direct and guide the session.

The client may or may not want to explore the content of the ketamine experience itself. Some may feel more comfortable allowing the insight to unfold internally. In this case, invite the client to connect with the present moment which might include any thoughts, emotions, physical sensations they may be experiencing during the integration session.

Anchor and deepen the client into the sensation of color, sound, texture, or any felt sense of their current experience post ketamine session.

Expand their experience into how they might incorporate how they can take this insight or feeling and enrich or make positive changes to help move toward their therapeutic goals.

Support the reflection of any themes that may have occurred during their ketamine session.

Ask questions to support and deepen their process

Support and validate any emotional expression and assist in pausing to slow down and sit with what is coming up for them as they integrate their experience

Facilitate processing of emotional distress or confusing thoughts or feelings

Encourage the client in not forcing the integration to happen in session and to let the process unfold with time

Validate any mystical or other worldly experiences if they occurred

Inquire about client’s support system and how to connect with those who will hold space for their journey to integration and make changes for positive growth in the future

Address any unique challenges or complicated or unresolved issues

Encourage the engagement in self care to help foster the creation of new healthy patterns

Remind client of ongoing process of integration and how it will evolve over time and may not be linear

Validate not all ketamine sessions will bring forth a sense of happiness or enlightenment and while they may not feel better it is allowing the client to feel. This process can release blocked or unprocessed emotions which may provide for more relief to move toward a lighter way of being.