Help a Client Set an Intention

What is an intention?

An intention is a compass for where to direct the focus for healing. However, it is also important to remember an intention is not a rigid goal, but a guidepost because the journey will often reveal what the client needs and not necessarily what they may expect. It is helpful to encourage them to be emotionally available to a broader range of insights that may emerge in order to maximize the therapeutic benefits of their oral ketamine journey. 

Why do they need an intention?
Ketamine creates enhanced neuroplasticity which makes the brain more flexible and open to change. This is a chance to create new habits, change thought patterns, and see things from a fresh perspective. Setting an intention before the infusion can weave their goals into the experience, making it a transformative process.

Creating Intentions

As a therapist, you can facilitate the intention setting process by asking exploratory questions to help clients identify their intentions.

What are you holding onto in your life that you want to let go of?

Where in your life do you feel stuck? How would you like your life to be different?

What would you like to change about your life?

What does a joyful and fulfilling life look like to you?

What are your regrets and how can you let go of their impact on you?

Which area of your life is causing the most turmoil, and what internal strength do you need to overcome it?

Are there any passions or interests you once had that you would like to experience more of?

What barriers to connecting to yourself and others are you wanting to remove?

If Ketamine Therapy were to help, what feelings would you want expand and feel more of?

Tips for Intention Setting

Keep Intention Affirmative
When creating an intention it is recommended the client tailor it to focus on more of what they want versus what they don’t want. Instead of focusing on what they want to eliminate, like stress, anxiety, or depression…encourage them to try envisioning the positive qualities they crave in life. For example, instead of saying 'I want to be free from stress,' consider setting an intention like ‘I want to feel more empowered.’ Another way of saying…’I don’t want to be depressed anymore’ may sound like… ‘Show me what it is like to feel passionate and excited about my life.’ As psychedelics can intensify thoughts and emotions, they may want to take this opportunity to connect with their inner values and rediscover the experiences within them that they once enjoyed.

Intentions vs. Expectations
An intention is like a guiding star showing them the direction they want to go but will still allow them the space to be open to what appears on the path ahead. Expectations, on the other hand, can limit their experience if they hold on too tightly to an expected outcome. It's essential to hold intentions with a loose grip, allowing room for unexpected insights.

“Trust.  Let go. Be Open.”
After the client has prepared for KAP, it is always an important part of the mindset to remind them to…

Trust that you are safe and supported during your ketamine treatment
Let go of any need to control the journey or label it good or bad, right or wrong
Be open to the possibilities of what it may show you

During the ketamine journey, they are encouraged to use “Trust. Let go. Be open” as an anchoring statement to return to as often as they feel to allow themselves the ability to keep an open mind which will provide a broader range of insights to unfold.

Setting intentions is like having a powerful tool that can help your client shape the direction of their ketamine session but also get them started on how to create a healing journey ahead. Establishing what they would like to work through, move past, or move toward can provide the focus they may need to get unstuck and create a plan for the life they truly want to live. Encourage them to take some time to think about what matters most to them, and let their intentions guide them toward feeling better about what lies ahead on this new path of healing.