Chaperone Tips

Helpful guidelines and tips for chaperones assisting in a Ketamine-Assisted Therapy session

Preparation for Dosing Session

Thank you for helping to support such a healing moment by being a chaperone for this ketamine session. It is important to read the following guideline to ensure a safe and effective process.

It is important for your friend to feel relaxed, focused, and calm in order for them to feel safe enough to trust the journey ahead will provide the insight they need. As a chaperone it may help to read them a meditation, poem, or play a meditation on a music platform they enjoy to create the best mindset for their dosing journey.

  • You will be the designated driver after the ketamine session due to the sedative nature of the medication and its effects will linger for several hours after the dosing occurs

  • Keep therapist’s contact info handy to communicate any questions and inform of start/stop of session

  • (Oral Ketamine) You will be responsible for setting the timer for each dosing tablet which could happen 1-3 times during the session

  • Keep a notebook to record vitals of blood pressure, heart rate, time each dose is taken, (nasal spray) number of sprays used, and beginning and ending time of journey.

  • Ketamine will provide for a dreamlike state and the memory of the experience will lessen as time passes. Discuss whether your friend would like you to make notes of anything they share immediately after the session. However, your presence is one of a gentle listener who is β€œholding space.” Please allow for peace and tranquility as they are returning from their insightful journey.

  • Discuss touch and whether they may need you to let them know you are there if they need support. (i.e. touch on the shoulder, hold hand, etc.). If touch is discussed and it is requested, have a conversation when or how this will occur? (i.e. by request, if they appear in distress, etc.)

  • Encourage your friend to use the bathroom before and provide assistance to the bathroom post-dosing as they will be sedated and unsteady on their feet

  • Double check playlist is commercial free and their phone is on Do Not Disturb so no alerts, texts, or phone calls interrupt their session

  • Put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door to prevent any interruptions from deliveries or visitors

  • Secure all pets for the entire session including during intake of medicine to help create a peaceful and focused environment

  • Keep the environment quiet and peaceful by lowering the volume from your own media viewing while you wait

  • (Oral Ketamine) Be mindful of the timer and ensure you are able to hear any communication from friend

Dosing Protocol

  • Become familiar with the oral ketamine medication by being aware of which tablets are for the first dissociative doses and which one is the booster. Read any instructions the medical provider may have included in the prescription to help with following proper procedure for taking the tablets or nasal sprays. Keep medication safely away from pets or children.

  • You may be asked to assist in taking blood pressure & heart rate and record vitals in a notebook. You might want to read the instructions on how to operate the cuff to use it properly. 

  • Ensure you are familiar with the type of timer you will use for oral ketamine whether it is on your phone or another device so you can accurately utilize it to let them know when it is time to spit out the medication

  • (Oral Ketamine) As your friend holds the medication in their mouth, encourage them to breathe through their nose, do not swallow medication, and to swish saliva periodically. Verbal reassurance and giving a countdown every few minutes can help ease the process.

  • (Oral Ketamine) You are the keeper of the timer so be mindful of when the timer ends to be sure you will alert your friend when to spit out the medication. You may need to assist with holding the spit cup and giving them a tissue because their mouth may be slightly numb.

  • Always ensure the environment is calm and free of any obstacles or interruptions that may impede on a smooth, safe, and supportive journey

  • Plan to be nearby during their journey whether in the room or just outside the door to be able to hear any communication if they need assistance

  • You may quietly visually check in on your friend periodically, but please avoid disturbing their journey as the process is mostly internal. 

  • If predetermined touch is needed, you may do so if emotional overwhelm is asking for you to help contain and create support.

  • A journey will typically last from 30 - 60 minutes and varies for each individual. It will be up to them to let you know if and when they would like to take a booster oral tablet or nasal spray. Be mindful of when your friend will request these so be available to provide that when requested. You will then repeat the protocol for oral ketamine of setting timer, holding medication, swish, and spit or recording time nasal sprays taken.

  • If your friend is experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room. You may also contact the medical provider and therapist if you notice anything of concern during the session.

Post Journey

  • Take the blood pressure and heart rate and write down the vitals. If they are high and there seems to be an emergency, contact 9-1-1 or go to an emergency room. You may also contact medical provider, and therapist to inform them of issues.

  • It is not recommended to engage in intense conversations post treatment or ask too many questions about their experience unless they want to share. It is important for them to make meaning of their insight without external influence

  • If your friend is in need of a bathroom break ensure they are steady enough and assist as needed as they will be slightly sedated

  • You may want to prepare a snack and drink for your friend when their journey ends since they had to refrain from eating for hours prior to journey

  • Remain with your friend until they feel fully safe, secure, and present and ensure they do not drive for the remainder of the day.

Post journey it is recommended your friend engage in self-care and disengage from social media or any intense activities. Encourage them to connect with nature, journal, go for a walk, eat healthy foods, journal, etc., and utilize the brain’s increased ability to create change to form new healthy patterns.